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Local history and genealogy resources:

The Exeter Public Library has a local history section which contains books, pamphlets and binders on Exeter residents and Exeter life. You can download the PDF file here to see a listing of these items.

Resources for Exeter History and Genealogy.pdf

Historical and genealogical research links:

You can view a slideshow about Genealogical and historical information that can be found in the One Room Schoolhouse records of Exeter:

Flickr Slideshow: Sources of Genealogical and Historical Information in the One Room Schoolhouse Records of Exeter, RI


The website links below are useful for historical and genealogical research. Some of them are specific to Exeter, Washington County, and Rhode Island, while others provide more general information.


Rhode Island USGenWeb resource for Washington County.
The RIGenWeb Project Archives were developed to provide free online data for genealogical research.
Contains biographies, census data, deeds, transcriptions of selected documents and other historical information.


History of Washington and Kent Counties - Rhode Island
An 1889 account of the history of Exeter and surrounding communities.
(Source: Cole's History History of Washington and Kent Counties, 1889.)


US GenWeb resource for Washington County, Rhode Island.
The US GenWeb Project is supported by a group of volunteers working together to provide free genealogy websites for genealogical research in every county and every state of the United States.
Contains selected vital records, town histories, enlistment records, deeds, and many other resources.


Rhode Island Historical Cemeteries database.
This inclues info on all Exeter Cemeteries, including an indexed list of graves.


Rhode Island Historical Society online catalog.
A search engine for historical documents about Rhode Island.
You can start using this link by simply typing "Exeter" in the search box. If you need help in finding
specific items, you can request assistance from the Rhode Island Historical Society.


FamilySearch website
Free Family History, Family Tree, and Genealogy Records and Resources from Around the World
Search Exeter town records on this site.
You can also order the microfilms from this site to be sent to the Family History Center, 1000 Narragansett
Parkway, Warwick. They can also perform searches there for individuals and families. (ancestor search).